Why letting agents and landlords should renew EICRs in 2024
With the 5-year renewal periods for EICRs rearing their ugly heads in 2025, join guests Lee Rix (Eco Approach) and Dean Falvey (Fixflo) for their rundown of why you need to act fast to sort your properties well before the deadline.
Recorded on 23 May 2024
With speakers:

Dean Falvey
Network Manager

Lee Rix
Director of Business Development

Jonty Shepheard
Content Manager
- Just how in demand EICRs will become from the end of this year.
- Why contractor shortages will make this renewal period different to the last one.
- How you can ride the EICR-valanche and come out unscathed.
Plus, get your questions answered in the live Q&A session with Lee and Dean.
If you can’t make it to the live broadcast, don’t worry! Anyone who registers will receive a recording of the webinar so you can watch it anytime, anywhere.
The speakers

Dean Falvey
Network Manager

Lee Rix
Director of Business Development

Jonty Shepheard (host)
Content Manager