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Let Leeds is an independent property management agency based in Leeds with three branches and plans for more. Since its foundation by Luke Gidney in 2009, it has steadily grown to become one of the best-known agencies in the city. We spoke to Luke about his use of Fixflo and our feature Co-Pilot in particular.
Let Leeds
"We were already using Fixflo but we began to encourage staff members to make use of Fixflo’s Co-Pilot feature. Automating certain tasks to always be dealt with the same way allowed team members to perform those tasks that only humans could do effectively - namely spending time going to visit properties and developing relationships with contractors and landlords rather than spending time doing unnecessary admin."
"Using Fixflo, and Co-Pilot has allowed Let Leeds to deliver a better service and experience across the lettings value chain. The team is more proactive in terms of going out and building those relationships that are the cornerstone of any property management agency’s ability to grow. This will enable us to franchise the business nationally and become known as a forward-thinking, innovative and technology-enabled agency which uses digital solutions effectively to allow for greater focus on those important relationships."
Is your agency reaching its full potential? Learn how dedicated repairs and maintenance software could help.
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