How Fixflo Can Help With Remote Working



We have been busy developing new features to help ensure that Fixflo is adapting to support your changing business needs. We hosted a webinar on 16 April 2020 to showcase how Fixflo can assist with managing repair and maintenance requests while you and your team are working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Watch the webinar recording and learn...

  1. How to switch on COVID-19 related questions so that your occupiers are asked about their health circumstances every time they submit a repair request
  2. How to ensure your communication with your occupiers is up-to-date
  3. Using our health & safety document templates to communicate new policies with contractors
  4. An overview of our reporting module, an introduction of our newly added reports and how to have these automatically emailed to you on a regular basis
  5. Using our 'On-hold' feature to make sure no repairs are missed
  6. Best practice tips and tricks for keeping on top of your issues via your customisable Fixflo dashboard
  7. How to apply any staff changes to open issues and property assignment 



  • Jessica Dubey, Customer Success Executive
  • Charlie Adams, Customer Support Team Lead



All content presented in this session is intended for general information purposes only and should not be considered as legal advice or official guidance.