Implementing a cloud based letting system into your business may seem daunting, but for the letting agent looking to get ahead, there are three key reasons why you should start today.
Minimise team frustrations
There’s nothing worse than crossed wires. There’s nothing worse than missing out on a hot lead because the sales exec managing the prospect is on holiday and has packed all the information into a non-accessible system. In the age of convenience, we believe that all staff members should have flexible access to a system where things can get picked up exactly where they were left off, which is where a cloud based lettings system comes in. This will not only minimise team frustrations but also boost workplace productivity. A win-win all round.
Make your processes more efficient
From chasing instructions to conducting viewings to co-ordinating inventory checks and tenant move-ins, it’s safe to say that a letting agent's day to day is often non-stop. When teams are tasked with juggling many different activities, processes can be often be slowed down due to the use of separate property management systems. Implementing a cloud based lettings system which integrates sales, marketing and lettings functions into a single software allows for a clearer flow of information. This will not only increase the efficiency of your processes but save your staff time, allowing them to chase even more opportunities.
Improve your service delivery
In a world of rising expectations, customer service is key. One of the greatest benefits of a cloud based lettings system is that due to the constant flow of data, any staff member (regardless of department) can readily answer a customer query. This not only alleviates a key customer pain point but allows your staff to offer the best possible level of service!
Interested in finding out more about cloud based lettings software? Check out our great integration partners who offer a range of cloud based lettings systems. Alternatively, look to implement a repairs and maintenance management software which will streamline your processes, save time and reduce costs.

This article is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions related to issues in this article, we strongly advise contacting a legal professional.
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