If you're the Accountable Person (AP) for your building, you now have even more fire safety responsibilities.
The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 place additional duties on the Responsible Person on top of what they have under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Here's a quick rundown of those duties.
Where do the Regulations apply?
The Regulations apply to all blocks of flats and student accommodation in England, including buildings with mixed-use residential and commercial parts. They cover the common parts of buildings, not the flats themselves. Buildings above 11 and 18 metres have more requirements, as they are deemed higher risk.
What happens if I break the Regulations?
⚠️ The consequences for breaking the Regulations are the same as breaching the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The Responsible Person may be issued an enforcement, alteration or prohibition notice from a Fire and Rescue Authority. Those breaching fire safety regulations can receive unlimited fines or prison sentences of up to 2 years.
Requirements for all residential buildings
- Display fire safety instructions where they can be seen and understood easily.
- Provide instructions for fire doors to residents.
Requirements for buildings above 11 m
- Check fire doors at least every 3 months.
- Check flat entrance doors at least every 12 months.
You must keep a record of these checks.
Requirements for buildings above 18 m
Share information with local fire and rescue services
The following information must be submitted electronically to the nearest fire and rescue service:
- Details of the construction of the external walls.
- Floor plans
- Building plan
Provide a secure information box
The following information for fire and rescue services should be kept in a secure box on the premises:
- The name, UK address and telephone number of the Responsible Person.
- The name and contact information of others who access the building on behalf of the Responsible Person.
- A copy of the floor plans and building plan.
Check firefighting lifts and equipment
Check these items monthly. If you detect any faults during your checks, fix these immediately within 24 hours. If you cannot do this, the faults must be reported to your local fire and rescue services.
Provide signage to assist fire and rescue crews
Each floor should have:
- Signage in every stairway landing indicating the floor number and which flats can be found on that floor.
- The same signage outside firefighting lifts.
How to comply with the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022
If you would like to know exactly how to comply with the new regulations, download a copy of our Action Guide: Changes to Fire Safety in England. You’ll find the exact steps you need to take at each stage, as well as links to relevant resources to ensure you get it right the first time. Remember: penalties are not worth the risk. 👇

This article is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions related to issues in this article, we strongly advise contacting a legal professional.
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